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Photo Magnets - A Celebration In The Kitchen

Photo Magnets
Photo Magnets - A Celebration In The Kitchen

By CanvasChampOctober, 17 2019April, 01 2022Comment

No matter what's inside it, an everyday fridge is always a boring one! That is why refrigerator magnets were invented! You can find magnets in almost any store these days, and there are many different types of magnets available. Magnets have come a long way from the primary tool that kept things stuck to the fridge. Today, you can find magnets with jokes and funny slogans on them. There are also magnets that not only stick to your fridge, but they also clip and hold papers as well. You can also find magnets attached to things such as pads of paper, bottle and can openers and even business cards. Magnets are a great way to keep things handy.

When it comes to fun and practicality combined, custom made magnets can provide you with many options. You can even stick them to your car, cabinets, metal doors without worrying that they will damage the surface. These are great for advertising, and wherever you go, people will see what you are promoting. Another way to get custom magnets is to design and print your own. You can buy special paper to print them on, and most shops that sell printer paper should sell magnet paper as well. There are many great sayings and jokes that you can put on a magnet too. They make an excellent gift for your friends and loved ones, especially if you place an in-joke between the two of you on the magnet.

1. Celebration or Events

Metal Photo MagnetsSince photo magnets have been a favourite of many people for a long time, they are one of those things that never go out of style or never cease to exist. People love them for several reasons and people are also using them to announce a celebration or event.

There are many times when invitations need to be sent. Some of these occasions include baby showers, save-the-dates, graduations, bachelor parties and more. Without invitations, people would not know a party or event will take place. Unfortunately, many cards, including postcards, get lost or ruined. When this happens, it leaves the guest having questions of when and where the party is or what they need to bring or wear. To make sure this does not happen with your guests, send them photo magnets instead. Picture magnets are a great option because they can be used every day. Best yet, people who place the magnets on their fridge (which usually is the place they put them) see the announcement every day. This is because people visit the refrigerator at least once a day or often multiple times a day. Every time they go to the fridge, they will see the announcement.

2. Save-the-Date Announcement

Create Your First Photo MagnetsOne of the most popular selections available is the save-the-date custom photo magnets. Sometimes couples even send a picture of themselves along with the photo magnet. Custom photo save-the-date magnets are an excellent addition to a wedding process. They are designed to inform guests of what date you have selected for your wedding. Choosing to create personalised images and wording for your design will add that special touch that is needed to make it perfect.

The custom photo save-the-date magnets can be designed however you like. Unlike other save-the-date printed selections, magnets can be fully customized on the shape, colours, images and more. Many wedding products such as these can get very pricey when adding up all the additions of customizations. However, magnets have one flat fee because mostly, almost all magnets are custom made.

Guests will love your custom save the date save-the-date magnets for two main reasons. One, they will not forget the date because it will be located on the fridge they see every day. Two, they will be able to use the photo frame magnet even long after your wedding date has passed.

Creating photo wedding magnets is very easy to do and can be done solely online! Be sure to check the company you will be dealing with to ensure excellent customer service levels as well as cheap prices. Remember that choosing a company with a good reputation means a quick turnaround if something were to go wrong.

3. Graduation Photo Magnets

Custom Photo MagnetsGraduation selections are also a great idea. The graduate can place their senior picture in the picture frame magnets and then send the magnet to their friends and family that are invited. The same can be said about baby shower magnets and birth celebrations, welcome home parties, birthdays and much more.

The best part about image magnets is their affordability. Be sure to select a company that provides quality custom magnets. Some companies cannot create specialized custom magnets so be sure to check with them first. Also, it is essential to remember that you get what you pay for in most circumstances which mean that the least expensive is not always a good deal. Be sure to check the materials being used and compare them to the standard on the market. In most cases, an upgraded magnet is not much more than the lower end magnet.

Having custom photo magnets is a great chance to show character and take hold of the event and make it unique. There are not many opportunities we get to have custom creations at an affordable price point. People have been using magnets as advertising tools for years now because they grab people's attention. If you want people to remember your special occasion, event or party, magnets are the way to go!

Photo magnet choices include simply the photo frame magnet, the photo with the calendar and the standard rectangular or square shape with information. If you want to get a bit more creative, you can always have a custom shaped magnet made!

CanvasChamp is an online photo printing website that specialises in custom canvas, metallic prints, wooden plaques, calendars, photo prints, pillows. coasters, magnets and many more along with a variety of other shapes and styles. Also, they have a fantastic editing tool that even a 10-year-old can operate as it is very simple and user-friendly to design your custom magnets. Find the best prices and selections with very supportive customer service at CanvasChamp.